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Thursday 11 March 2010


Ubi beetroot boleh dan senang hidup segala jenis tanah dan cuaca tetapi yang terbaik adalah tanah yang ph nya 6.5-7.5 dan mengambil masa yang dari 56 hari sehingga 126 hari untuk tumbuh. Diwaktu panas dan kering ianya perlu disiram dan tanah dibersih dari rumpai.
Diwaktu itu daun daun muda boleh dipetik dan dibuat salad atau boleh dimasak seperti sayur bayam.

Gambar daun diambil dari with thanks

gambardiatas dan sebelah kiri  diambil dari marshalls-seeds

Dua Gambar ini diambil dari Thompson- MOrgan seed katalog

Ubi beetroot mengandungi bahan aktif antioksidan dipanggil betacyanin yang memberi warna merah hati yang gelap. Sayur berubi beetroot ini membersih darah dan dikatakan ada element anti karsinogen.Kajian telah dijalankan menunjukkan ianya menggalakan kekuatan semula jadi badan didalam hati,  dan penggalakan sel imun didalam tubuh. Juga mengandungi silika yang penting untuk kulit yang sihat, kuku,otot,urat dan tulang.

Beetroot mengandungi:sodium,potasium,fosforus,kalsium,iodin,iron,copper,vitamin  Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 dan C.
Ubi beetroot ini keras dan bulat. Jika ditanam ianya mempunyai daun yang batang dan daun berwarna merah hati.
Daunnya boleh dibuat salad. Selalunya ubi beetroot ini berwarna merah hati gelap, tetapi ada juga species warna yang kekuningan putih.
Di negara barat ianya ditanam dan diproses dan ditapis menjadi gula dan daunnya menjadi makanan kambing biri biri dan haiwan ternakan.
Semenjak kesedaran dari mana datangnya sumber makanan yang sihat dan berkhasiat serta berpatutan,  beetroot digunakan sebagai sumber untuk mendapat  warna pink untuk pewarna makanan,selain dari digunakana sebagai sayur dan salad.
Beetroot ini boleh tumbuh dimana sahaja. Kaedah tanamanya sama seperti menanam karot tapi lebih mudah.
Cara menggunakan beetroot:
dibuat jus minuman yang mesti diminum segera supaya vitamin didalamnya tidak luput.
disagat dan dicampur didalam salad coleslaw;
direbus bulat bulat dan bila lembut di kupas kulit dan di  potong , sedap dicampur dengan timun dan bawang. Dan dimakan sebagai sayur. Juga boleh dibuat chutney. Atau boleh dibuat sayuran yang di bakar didalam oven dan boeh dijeruk didalam cuka  untuk menyimpan nya lebih lama.
Beetroot ada dijual didalam tin yang sedia untuk dimasak.
Ianya ada terdapat dijual dipasar pasar di Malaysia.
Antara khasiat Beetroot yang diketahui umum:
mengandungi anthocyanadins sebagai sumber antioksidant semula jadi,sumber ini  yang menyumbangkan unsur warna merah hati gelap didalam beetroot; 

sumber asas vitamin dan mineral;

sebagai makanan yang digunakan sebagai makanan yang menggalakan penambahan darah didalam badan untuk orang yang anemi;
membantu proses perkumuhan didalam badan;
terutama hati dan organ organ dalaman badan (termasuk buah pinggang, pundi kencing); 
Beetroot may aid the natural process of elimination and support detoxification processes

kaya dengan vitamin C, kalsium, fosforus dan iron yang sesuai untuk pesakit arthritis yang tidak dapat mengambil vitamin C berasas dari buah tomato,oren etc  kerana kandungan asid yang tinggi didalam vitamin C membuatkan tempat yang sakit atau inflame  semakin teruk;

mengandungi unsur iron yang penting untuk tubuh badan serta unsur iron didalam beetroot ini dari tumbuhan secara semulajadi dan tidak mempunyai kesan sampingan;

 Beetroot amat berguna didalam *acidosis kerana ianya kaya dengan sumber alkali;

sesuai untuk orang vegetarian;

dan elok untuk merawat hypertension..darah tinggi.
photo beetroot diatas  diambil dari webpage with thanks.

Gambar dibawah diambil dari (will work for food) with thanks

Gambar diatas diambil dari farmer-market with thanks.

Artikel ini di ambil dari
Maaf lah malas nak translate panjang panjang tapi ada diambil artikel supaya boleh baca direct.

Want to beat hypertension? Forget medication. Start having a glass of beetroot juice daily.

A team of researchers at Barts and The London School of Medicine in Britain has carried out a study and found that drinking just half a litre of the juice everyday can help in significantly reducing high blood pressure.

According to the researchers, the key beneficial ingredient in beetroot is nitrate, also found in green leafy vegetables.

"Our study suggests that drinking beetroot juice, or consuming other nitrate-rich vegetables, might be a simple way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system," lead researcher Prof Amrita Ahluwalia was quoted by 'The Daily Telegraph'.

Fourteen healthy volunteers were recruited for the study and asked to drink either 500 millilitres of beetroot juice or the same quantity of water within 30 minutes.

Their blood pressure was measured every 15 min from one hour before taking the drink to three hours afterwards.

Thereafter readings were taken every hour for six hours. A final test was conducted 24 hours after the drink was taken.

The researchers found that the volunteers who drank the juice started to show reductions in blood pressure after just one hour.

After two-and-a-half hours, their systolic rate -- the pressure with each heartbeat -- was around 10 ml of mercury lower than that of participants who had drunk water.

For the diastolic reading -- the "resting" pressure between heartbeats -- a reduction of 8 mm Hg was seen in the juice drinkers after three hours. At 24 hours, systolic BP was still more than 4 mm Hg lower for volunteers given beetroot while there were no differences for diastolic BP.

PASAL acidosis ni baca la sendiri ye apa maksudnya acidosis ni.. memang panjang nak translate.. diambil dari
There are a number of things that define acidosis, but the most revealing is taken in what is called a blood gas or a simple blood test from an artery. In this test, pH of blood is measured and if pH sinks below 7.35, a person is considered acidotic. Similarly, a pH higher than 7.45 is considered alkalosis. Acidosis may occur under numerous circumstances and without treatment it can cause great damage to the body.

People most likely to get acidic blood include those with impaired breathing conditions, or with kidney or liver damage. Essentially the body makes more acid than it can get rid of, resulting in overly acidic blood. In respiratory acidosis, the body is unable to get rid of carbon dioxide in appropriate amounts and this can change “blood gases” to show acidosis. Someone with persistent hyperventilation could briefly become acidotic, and various lung diseases or lung impairment may result in the condition. Sometimes being on a respirator in a hospital for long periods of time might result in respiratory or pulmonary versions of this condition, which is why those on respirators have blood gases checked regularly.

Other things that may cause acidic blood levels include starving the body, which can cause the body to concentrate acid and be unable to dispose of it. Certain poisons may result in an acidotic state too. Some conditions, especially diabetes, are indicators in causing this condition, and when untreated, it may progress to what is called metabolic acidosis.

The symptoms of metabolic forms of this condition can include deep rapid breathing, chest pain, pain in the bones, muscle weakness and ultimately arrhythmias, coma, seizure or drastic reduction in blood pressure. When this condition is present, generally the lungs try to compensate for it, hence the deep breathing. This will ultimately fail, and people need treatment of other means in order to address the condition.

Most treatments for this condition are aimed at changing the pH level in the blood so that it is within normal standards. For minor cases, people might simply take sodium bicarbonate substances to reduce acid levels. Sometimes people with severe acidosis require intravenous (IV) line sodium bicarbonate to quickly bring blood back to normal acid levels.

One common type of acidosis seen in those with diabetes type I is ketoacidosis. Lack of insulin can cause the body to break down fats resulting in the body building up ketones and extra acid. These can change blood pH level and raise blood glucose levels. Adequate means to address this are by giving insulin, and replacing fluids. This can help restore normal blood acidity balances.

Beetroot mudah hidup di semua jenis tanah dan cuaca. Boleh ditanam didalam pasu, didalam takungan tanah dan diatas tanah. Ianya boleh ditanam sebahagian dari pokok hiasan yang boleh dimakan dan amat sesuai ditanam dikawasan laman rumah yang sempit. Tapi mestilah rajin menyiramnya di hari yang cuacanya  panas dan kering. Boleh hidup dibawah cahaya matahari..